What’s The Ideal Humidity For Maximum Comfort?

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. It is best considered in relation to temperature. As temperatures go up or down, the capacity of the air to hold water changes.

Suppose the humidity is consistently higher than recommended levels. In that case, excess moisture can foster mold growth, which leads to various problems, from health issues to structural damage in your home. Low, unhealthy levels can cause itching and dryness. 

No matter what type of climate you live in, the levels of relative humidity in the air can affect the comfort of your home, as well as the proper functioning of your heating and air conditioning units. 

Simple solutions can help you manage the ideal indoor levels in your home. Managing humidity should be a priority for every homeowner, especially when tailoring your heating and cooling preferences to meet your personal home needs.

What’s the Best Humidity Level for your Home? How do you maintain the level throughout the year?

You may have thought, “What is the ideal level for my house in the summer or winter months?”

During the summer months, the average humidity should weigh in between 30-45 percent (below the 50% mark). Winter may require lower than 40% relative humidity to avoid condensation on your windows. By staying in the proper ranges, problems can be prevented.  

In other words, the right humidity levels help your home to feel cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

If levels are not properly maintained, your home will not only feel very uncomfortable to live in, but you and your family may also become susceptible to respiratory disorders or chemical reactions.

Additionally, improper humidity levels can also cause damage to both the inside and outside of your home.

Removing unwanted moisture in your home is one of the primary functions of your home’s air conditioning system. However, your air conditioning system may not be enough to remove the excess moisture that comes into your home.

The ideal temperature in your home will be specific to your family’s preferences and maintaining recommended humidity levels at different times of the year will ensure your comfort and safety. 

ASHRAE suggests a range of 45% – 55% humidity to manage health effects and illnesses.

Comfortable: 30% – 60%

Recommended: 45% – 55%

High: 55% – 80%  

More on Central HTG

Contact Air Care Heating And Air Conditioning

For more information on the best humidity for your home, or to schedule an HVAC appointment, contact us today by clicking here.

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